i am a lazy ass.. i need some kinda motivation or inspiration to kick start me.. ma IIT coaching class profs were great pple.. i still ponder over how did prof.santhanum,the chemistry prof make the most boring mole concept theory interesting.. n am also ponderin over the fact how ma department profs are convertin a very interestin electronics into somnolent lectures.. somehow i never got any inspiration from the big guys or top notches.. i feel u dont need abdul kalam to inspire u.. luk at pple around u..
jus got a new inspiration.. acharya sir.. hes not a geek.. hes friendly n makes u involve in the subject.. i jus got this instantaneous crush on cryptography.. jus hopin tht i will do some justice to the subject..
here's a snap..

kuchi cipher....
y not.. i obviously wont be keepin it vishnu cipher..
hey visnhu thts d story of evry engg. professor.
bt yeah one thing, its true teachers at tutions make d subject vry intrsting bt its d money tht plays the most importnt role. The tution teachers r more of businessmen, so hav 2 package their prodct in best way 2 attract more studnts year aftr year..
on the othr hand, engg. college teachers r not givn enough motivation(in trms of both money nd growth potential) by the govt. Still thr r sum in this field who r able 2 self motivate.
its seriously worth the money then.. n this is not any engg coll.. its an NIT.. the so called second series of best engg colleges in india after the iits..thts wat pissin me..
luks like a lot ran in ur mind to comment..
Hey Vishnu.. I might hav made my self sounding like fighting d case of engg college teachers. thts far frm it buddy.. evn i've beared thm for 4 years (I prefrd 2 rmain outside d class nd indulge in extra-currics rathr thn sit thru their lifeless lectures) :)
Its just tht I really resent the over- commercialisation of education by coaching institutes.
P.S. nd yeah, I only cmmnt wn thrs a lot running thru my mind ;)
Nd i hop ur query about India Today got cleared.. tht was amusing:)
Following u.. keep reflecting. Good night 4 now!
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